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Math Lunch and Learn October 15

A flyer for a math lunch and learn event at Centerville Jr/Sr High School on October 15th.


September Students of the Month

Congratulations! Left to Right: Sarah Irish, Junior-Senior High Counselor, Peaches, Cutler Boren, Alex Solorzano, Tanner Dunn, Macie Moye, and Jeremy Hammock, Junior-Senior High Dean of Students.


Homecoming Queen Candidates


Homecoming King Candidates


Homecoming Princesses


A red background with a white stop sign featuring an outstretched hand and the text 'Report Bullying'.

A green button with the text 'See Something...Say Something' and a call to action to submit an anonymous tip or school safety issue.

A poster with text that reads "Parent and Family Page".

Centerville Junior-Senior High School

813 South Commerce

Centerville, Texas 75833


Fax: 903-536-3133

Principal: Claudia Mordecai

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