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Tax Rate Information

Centerville ISD Property Tax

According to the Texas Education Agency, a district's property tax rate consists of a maintenance and operations (M&O) tax rate and, if applicable, an interest and sinking (I&S) tax rate. The M&O tax rate provides funds for maintenance and operations. The I&S tax rate provides funds for payments on the debt that finances a district's facilities. The calculation of state funding for school districts is tied to tax effort; thus, tax rates provide an essential component in the state's school finance formulas. Texas Education Agency School District Property Values and Tax Rates.


Centerville ISD Tax Rate History

From 2012 through 2014, the tax rate for Centerville ISD consisted only of a Maintenance and Operations (M&O) rate in the amount of $1.04. With the passage of the 2014 Bond to construct a new elementary school, an Interest and Sinking (I&S) rate was added that year in the amount of $0.2880. This brought the total tax rate for 2014 to $1.33.

In 2015, the I&S rate was reduced to $0.2735 and the M&O rate remained at $1.04. The total tax rate dropped to $1.31.

The I&S rate increased slightly to $0.2800 in 2016 and the M&O rate remained at $1.04. The total tax was $1.32. Those rates remained steady through Fiscal Year 2018.

In 2019, the M&O rate dropped to $0.97 with the I&S rate holding at $0.2880 for a total of $1.25. The M&O rate would continue to drop over the course of the next several years.

The next year would see the M&O rate decreased to $0.92 and the I&S rate remained at $0.2880, for a total of $1.20 in 2020.

Fiscal year 2021 brought an increase in the I&S rate to $0.2915 but a decrease to M&O rate at $0.91. The approved rate remained at $1.20.

In 2022, the M&O rate dropped to $0.85 but the I&S rate increased to $0.3436 for a total of $1.20.

Last year, 2023, saw a reduction in the overall rate at $1.14. The approved  rates were: M&O at $0.67; and I&S rate at $0.4686.


Centerville ISD Tax History Table (PDF)