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Graduation Plan Endorsements Choices

The information below is provided by the Texas Education Agency and is available in its entirety along with other helpful graduation planning information in the TEA Graduation Toolkit.



For the first time, students will be able to earn one or more endorsements as part of their graduation requiremennts. Endorsements consist of a related series of courses that are grouped together by interest of skill set. They provide students with in-depth knowledge of a subject area.

Students must select an endorsement* in the ninth grade. Districts and charters are not required to offer all endorsements. If only one endorsement is offered, it must be multi-disciplinary studies.

Students earn an endorsement by completing the curriculum requirements for the endorsement, including 4th credit of math and science and 2 additional elective credits.

Visit your school counselor to learn more about your options.

Students may earn more than one endorsement.


Students can choose from 5 endorsement areas